Wish Granter Request Form

This is the development site.

Thank you for participating in Franklin County Children Services' Holiday Wish 2023!

You have chosen to be a Wish Granter, a program that allows children ages 10 and younger to select their own special gift(s) up to $50 per child. You then, go out and purchase that special gift and help add some Holiday magic into the lives of the children we serve.

Below you can self-select how many children you or your organization would like to grant wishes for. Once you hit submit, you will receive confirmation.

Wish Granter Information

First Name
Last Name
Business Name
Address 1
Address 2

Select Youth to Sponsor

Wish Granters should expect to receive their gift list(s) by the end of November.

All gifts must be delivered to Holiday Wish no later than Sunday, December 10th.

Most gifts can be found on Wal-Mart.com, Target.com or Amazon.

Please notify Holiday Wish Staff at (614) 275-2525 if:

  1. You are unable to locate the specific item and need to purchase a similar item.
  2. You are no longer able to participate in the program, and have already been assigned a youth(s).

All toy and cash donations to Holiday Wish may be tax deductible.